Schools, Colleges & Universities should be environments for learning and engagement and not for lurking and potentially dangerous pests. Several key areas in educational facilities seem to attract these intruders looking to breed and feed.

Discover the rodents and insects frequently found in Las Vegas, Nevada area schools, the risks of having them present, and some of the best preventative and pest control methods an exterminator can provide.

Where to Look for Pests In Schools

Exterminators in Las Vegas, NV, know where critters tend to gather around school campuses. During their inspection, these professionals will look for bugs and critters in the following areas.

  • Kitchens & Cafeterias: Food, water, and trash can quickly attract pests.
  • Classrooms: Students and projects can make and leave messes behind that pests can hide in and feed on.
  • Gyms & Locker Rooms: The warm and often humid areas easily become breeding grounds for some bugs—especially in gym areas.
  • Outside: Exterior areas can attract pigeons and other birds and some rodents looking to nest. This can occur underneath playground equipment, inside stadiums, and in gutters, to name a few key spots.

Common Invaders That Call for Pests Control In Schools

Some of the most common pests and concerns associated with infestations found in schools in Las Vegas, Nevada, include:

  • Rodents: Rodents can gnaw at structures, electrical wiring, insulation, food, packaging materials, and other equipment that, resulting in damage and contamination.
  • Cockroaches: Cockroaches can trigger allergic reactions and spread bacteria, and they can establish large infestations very quickly, making roach removal and cockroach control a priority.
  • Flies: Some flies are known to bite, and many carry diseases and certain pathogens. They can also contaminate packaging materials and food.
  • Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can cause painful, itchy, bites and can carry a number of pathogens that can cause diseases.
  • Termites: These pests can be very destructive to structures and buildings long before any visible signs of their presence are apparent.
  • Birds: Birds such as pigeons can also carry disease, and their droppings can pose a number of hazards such as tripping and falling.

Other Possible Problematic Pests

The Costs of Putting Off Pest Control in Schools

Schools should always be places where visitors, staff, and students should feel safe. Pests can easily disrupt that environment and cause much more than sanitation issues. Other negative impacts can include:

  • Classroom disruptions
  • Elevated student absentee rates
  • Decreased enrollment
  • Complaints from parents
  • Forced reductions in tuition or boarding fees

Got Pests At Your School?

Flatliners Pest Control is a professional exterminator company that offers commercial pest control in schools, daycares, colleges, and other educational facilities. Our team will take care of any existing infestations and offer long-term solutions. Contact us today at (702) 816-5802, or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and appointment with our experienced team of pest control experts.

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