The mouse exterminators, at Flatliners Pest Control in Las Vegas, can help you get rid of mice in and around your home. Our mouse control and removal services focus on finding their entry points and nests and eliminating them for good. If you spot mice in your home or business, this is a sign that more are probably lurking where you can’t see. So act fast, before you have a full infestation on your hands.

Professional Mouse Control Services

Dealing with a mouse infestation can be stressful and overwhelming. Professional rodent control services offer effective solutions to eliminate these pests from your home or business.

  • Pest Inspection & Assessment – Our mouse removal experts will thoroughly examine your property to identify entry points, infestation levels, and potential nesting areas.
  • Removal & Exclusion – Pest Extermination technicians will safely remove any mice and implement measures to prevent re-entry.
  • Prevention Tips – You’ll receive guidance on how to mouse-proof your property and maintain a pest-free environment.
  • Ongoing Monitoring – We’re a no-contract pest control company, so ongoing monitoring is optional, to ensure your mouse problem is resolved and prevent future infestations.

What Kind Of Mice Are You Living With?

Mice are incredibly resilient rodents because of their small size and quick breeding ability. Most mice are agile enough to fit through a hole smaller than a nickel, can jump more than a foot and a half into the air, and can even scurry up the sides of walls, similar to a squirrel.

You may be living with some of the most common species of mice found in Nevada homes.

  • House Mouse
  • Long-tailed Pocket Mouse
  • Desert Pocket Mouse
  • Dark Kangaroo Mouse
  • Southern Grasshopper Mouse
  • Cactus Deermouse
  • Canyon Deermouse
  • Brush Deermouse
  • North American Deermouse

Signs You Need A Mouse Exterminator

Seeing a mouse in your home or commercial property is never a good sign. If you notice any of these indicators, it’s time to call in a professional exterminator.

  • Droppings – Small, dark pellets found in hidden areas like cabinets, pantries, and attics.
  • Gnaw Marks – Chewed-on food packaging, wires, or wood.
  • Nests – Made from shredded paper, fabric, or insulation.
  • Unusual Noises – Squeaking, scratching, or rustling sounds, especially at night.
  • Seeing Mice – If you’re spotting multiple mice, you likely have an infestation.

How Do They Get In?

Mice are excellent hole finders, especially under a home’s foundation. For such a tiny creature, they can wreak havoc on your property. They can also leave behind foul odors from rotting food, urine, and feces. All of these things can become hazardous to the health of both the people and pets of the residence.

Aside from the real risks from damage and disease, the idea of mice running around the home is enough to keep you up at night.

Preventing A Mouse Infestation

Because of the Nevada heat, mice’s most significant resource requirement is water and warmth on clear, cold, winter nights. One way to avoid attracting mice into your home is to curtail feeding your pets outside, which will draw the mouse with any leftover food and water sources. Also, be sure to properly dispose of trash in sealed containers.

Do House Mice Carry Disease?

Yes, mice can carry a variety of diseases. These small rodents are known to contaminate food and water sources with their urine, feces, and saliva. This can lead to serious health risks for humans.

  • Hantavirus – A potentially deadly respiratory illness.
  • Salmonella – A common bacterial infection causing diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.
  • Leptospirosis – A bacterial disease affecting multiple organs.
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) – A viral infection that can cause flu-like symptoms and more severe complications.

It’s crucial to take steps to prevent mice infestations and to seek professional help if you suspect a problem.

Property Damage – Mice Are Known To Be Arsonists!

Mice will cause damage to drywall and insulation as they drill themselves into your home to attempt to make their nest. Mice have even caused house fires after chewing through a home’s wiring system. In our desert environment, the risk of fire damage is too high to ignore this potential risk. Call a licensed mouse exterminator to handle the invasion before damage occurs.

Your Experienced Mouse Control Company

A mouse infestation needs swift action to protect your home and your health. If you’ve heard scampering and chewing sounds in your walls, let Flatliners Pest Control help you bring down the mouse population in your Las Vegas home to zero. Call us today to schedule a mouse extermination appointment.

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